research tips

The Principle of Child-orientation in Fairy Tales Translation in the View of the Wind in the Willows

myongsu 2011. 11. 26. 01:20

The Principle of Child-orientation in Fairy Tales Translation in the View of the Wind in the Willows

Abstract: This thesis is about the principle of Child-orientation. The author makes a case study by analyzing The Wind in the Willows in order to illustrate the principle. We know that for a long time, the study of children literature translation rarely attracts more attention either from the scholars or from the translators. They put more and more attention on the study of literary translation for adults. Therefore, the thesis tries to prove that the principle of child-orientation is important, and through the case study, the author tries to enrich this principle. She also hopes that there will be better fairy tales translated works by applying the principle.Fairy tale, a kind of imaginative story, is liked by children. Fairy tales and fairy tale translation play an important role for children’s growth and development. Fairy tale translation originated in the late Qing Dynasty in China. During that time, some famous scholars and translators were dedicated in English-Chinese fairy tale translation and tried to do some study on fairy tale translation. Unfortunately, there are few well-established theories to guide fairy tale translation right now. In this thesis, the author gives us a brief introduction about the history of fairy tale translation in China. Of course, the definition, the origin and the features of fairy tales are also included in chapter one.Why fairy tale translation is different from literature translation read by adults lies in its special readers, kids. It is easy to see that a good fairy tale translated work should reflect the preference of children. The translator should understand kids’interests, cognitive abilities and language abilities. Childhood is a special phase of one’s life. During this period, children are learning themselves and the world they live in, and at the same time, they are developing their cognitive and aesthetic abilities. Fairy tales guide them to discover and provide endless adventure and enjoyment.Child-orientation is an acknowledged principle when translating children literature. The principle emphasizes children’s psychological condition, reading abilities and aesthetic preferences. The author gives us the connotation and development of the principle in chapter two, and applies it into The Wind in the Willows in Chapter three. At last, the author points out that there are some difficulties when using the principle and raises some solutions to it. Research methods are vitally important for any scientific study. In order to make my thesis more logical, systematic and reasonable comparative analysis are mainly adopted. Since there are few theories to guide fairy tale translation, this thesis is useful for more people to know the principle. In addition, the finding of this study is helpful to increase the quality and quantity of fairy tale translation. Of course, it is also good to the creation of fairy tales in China.
Key words: The Principle of Child-orientation; Children; Fairy Tale Translation; The Wind in the Willows;