Books/Books on Corpus
book chapters on parallel corpus and movies
2012. 2. 8. 04:24
| Li, Diego Mollá-Aliod - 2009 - 404 페이지 - 미리보기
Constructing Parallel Corpus from Movie Subtitles Han Xiao1 and Xiaojie Wang2 1 School of Information Engineering, ... This paper describes a methodology for constructing aligned German-Chinese corpora from movie subtitles.
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| Gelbukh - 2011 - 521 페이지 - 미리보기
Another important feature of a parallel corpus is its textual size. The value of a parallel ... 1.3 Using Movie Subtitles to Construct Parallel Corpora The first resource that usually comes under consideration ...
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| Agosti, Nicola Ferro, Carol Peters - 2010 - 144 페이지 - 미리보기
Currentavailable Persian-English corpora are the Miangah's English- Persian parallel corpus [13] consisting of4,860000 words,Tehran English-Persian parallel corpus composed of 612086 bilingual sentences extracted from movie M. Agosti et ...
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| Pallotta, Alessandro Soro, Eloisa Vargiu - 2011 - 167 페이지 - 미리보기
... that we find more synonyms from colloquial language use when we change the parallel corpus we collect our data from. ... parallel corpus Europarl, we used a multilingual parallel corpus of movie subtitles, the OpenSubs corpus[31].
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| Römer - 2005 - 327 페이지 - 미리보기
Such a parallel corpus would include transcripts of spoken (British) English texts that are aligned to their German ... The extraction of subtitles in different languages from movie DVDs could be a first step in the direction of ...
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| Vall Mohamed Salem, Khaled Shaalan, Farhad Oroumchian - 2011 - 626 페이지 - 미리보기
Another Persian-English parallel corpus is introduced in [10] that is made of Persian-English aligned movie subtitles wherein the Persian parts are in colloquial shape instead of official Persian language that is used in academic and ...
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| Cheng, Min-Yen Kan, Wai Lam - 2010 - 627 페이지 - 미리보기
... Maximum Entropy, and Support Vector Machine) to label the polarity of IMDB movie reviews. ... Most existing studies relied on a parallel corpus to learn the correspondences between original and compressed sentences.
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| Müller - 2005 - 290 페이지 - 미리보기
This book provides valuable insights into the functions of four discourse markers (so, well, you know and like) in native and non-native English discourse, adding to both discourse marker literature and to studies in the pragmatics of ...
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| O'keeffe, Brian Clancy, Svenja Adolphs - 미리보기
Müller (2005) built a parallel corpus of American students and German non-native speakers of English retelling and discussing a silent movie. The study focuses on the discourse markers so, well, you know and like.
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| Pirrone, Filippo Sorbello - 2011 - 464 페이지 - 미리보기
in section3 and section4, while the design of the experimental session carried out in a movie recommendation scenario is described in ... Using the co- occurrence statistics of a set of multilingual terms extracted from a parallel corpus ...
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