Originally, adults were the audience of a fairy-tale just as often as children. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the fairy-tale came up to be associated with children's literature.
Fairy Tales in Translation
Roxana Bîrsanu
Universitatea Româno-Americană
E-mail: roxanabirsanu25@yahoo.com
Keywords: children's literature, translation, fairy tales, acceptability.
The translation of children's literature has generated quite a marginal interest among translation scholars. This is partially accounted for by the fact that children's literature has been considered a peripheral form of literature and, therefore, it apparently did not seem to provide a very fertile field for research. Nevertheless, translating for children, and translating fairy tales in particular, is a very challenging task due to a multitude of factors which impact this activity: the target cultural environment, the readers' psychological development, their needs and degree of emotional involvement and the power of decision of other parts involved in the process, editors, parents, educators.
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