text alignment 썸네일형 리스트형 book chapters on parallel corpus and movies Computer Processing of Oriental Languages: Language Technology for ... - 329페이지 books.google.co.krWenjie Li, Diego Mollá-Aliod - 2009 - 404 페이지 - 미리보기 Constructing Parallel Corpus from Movie Subtitles Han Xiao1 and Xiaojie Wang2 1 School of Information Engineering, ... This paper describes a methodology for constructing aligned German-Chinese corpora from movie subtitles. Computational Linguisti.. 더보기 Bitext Alignment Bitext Alignment Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies May 2011, 165 pages, (doi:10.2200/S00367ED1V01Y201106HLT014) Jörg Tiedemann Uppsala University Abstract This book provides an overview of various techniques for the alignment of bitexts. It describes general concepts and strategies that can be applied to map corresponding parts in parallel documents on various levels of granula.. 더보기 이전 1 다음