research tips 썸네일형 리스트형 WordNet for Lexical Cohesion Analysis WordNet for Lexical Cohesion Analysis Elke Teich1 and Peter Fankhauser2 1 Department of English Linguistics Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany Email: 2 Fraunhofer IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany Email: Abstract. This paper describes an approach to the analysis of lexical cohesion using WordNet. The approach automatically annotates texts wi.. 더보기 Lexical Approach to Second Language Teaching Lexical Approach to Second Language Teaching The lexical approach to second language teaching has received interest in recent years as an alternative to grammarbased approaches. The lexical approach concentrates on developing learners’ proficiency with lexis, or words and word combinations. It is based on the idea that an important part of language acquisition is the ability to comprehend and pr.. 더보기 Lexical Cohesion in Oral English Lexical Cohesion in Oral English ShuXuan Wu English Department, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China Email: Abstract—Based on Halliday’s cohesion theory, this study intends to explore the relationship between lexical cohesion and oral English quality. The author makes comparisons between High Quality Discourses (HQDs) and Low Quality Discourses (LQDs) .. 더보기 Exploring Lexical Patterns in Text: Lexical Cohesion Analysis withWordNet Exploring Lexical Patterns in Text: Lexical Cohesion Analysis withWordNet We present a system for the linguistic exploration and analysis of lexical cohesion in English texts. Using an electronic thesaurus-like resource, Princeton WordNet, and the Brown Corpus of English, we have implemented a process of annotating text w.. 더보기 Lexical Repetition Tension between Domestication and Foreignization In English-language Translations Of Anna Karenina One of the key issues in recent translation theories has been on whether translation should domesticate or foreignize the source text. Venuti (1995) defines domesticating translation as a replacement of the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text with a text that is intelligible to t.. 더보기 The Effect of Word Frequency on Answering Grammar Questions The Effect of Word Frequency on Answering Grammar Questions Zahra Kordjazi Abstract The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between word frequency and answering grammar questions. The subjects of the study were 28 female graduates and undergraduates. Two grammar tests each containing 20 questions with low and high frequency words were given to the subjects with an interva.. 더보기 Teacher Correction or Word Processors: Which Is a Better Option for the Improvement of EFL Students’ Writing Skill? 보호되어 있는 글입니다. 더보기 Learning Vocabulary via Mobile Phone: Persian EFL Learners in Focus Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol 2, No 6 (2011), 1252-1258, Nov 2011 doi:10.4304/jltr.2.6.1252-1258 Learning Vocabulary via Mobile Phone: Persian EFL Learners in Focus Saeed Taki, Saeed Khazaei Abstract With encompassing power of cell phones an d potentials of mobile learning for language teaching/learning, employing cell phones in language learning seems indispensable. Through exp.. 더보기 FAIRYLAND FAIRYLAND Staging Foreign Language Learning is a European cooperation project for the development of concepts and materials for the in-service training of foreign language teachers. The project is being carried out with the assistance of the Commission of the European Communities within the framework of the SOCRATES programme.* This pub.. 더보기 Foreign names into native tongues How to transfer sound between languages —transliteration, phonological translation, nativization, and implications for translation theory The transfer of sound from one language into another is not a uniform process, but rather, takes different forms depending on the orthographies and phonological properties of source and target langu.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 다음