lexical repetition 썸네일형 리스트형 Language Teacher_Special Issue_Vocabulary Language Teacher_Special Issue_Vocabulary 더보기 Patterns of Vocabulary Development in Foreign-Language Learners Patterns of Vocabulary Development in Foreign-Language Learners1 Article author query palmberg r [Google Scholar] Rolf Palmberga1 a1 Department of Teacher Education, Åbo Akademi Abstract After an introductory discussion of the concepts of vocabulary knowledge continua and foreign-language learners' mental lexicons, the paper presents the results of a longitudinal pilot study whose aim was to mak.. 더보기 German Textbook Vocabularies and a Supplementary Dictionary German Textbook Vocabularies and a Supplementary Dictionary The Modern Language Journal Volume 21, Issue 3, pages 157–161, December 1936 더보기 lexical characteristics of primary school english textbooks THE LEXICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS IN CHINA:A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF NEW STANDARD ENGLISH Li Qingshen Zhaoqing University This study, after analyzing the vocabulary in New Standard English, empirically demonstrate that both the total vocabulary in the textbook and the words to be learned by students are in general within the scope of English Curriculum Standard. How.. 더보기 Vocabulary recycling in children’s authentic reading materials: A corpus-based investigation of narrow reading Vocabulary recycling in children’s authentic reading materials: A corpus-based investigation of narrow reading Reading in a Foreign Language ISSN 1539-0578 Volume 20, Number 1, April 2008 http://nflrc.hawaii.edu/rfl/April2008/gardner/gardner.html Vocabulary recycling in children’s authentic reading materials: A corpus-based investigation of narrow reading Dee Gardner Brigham Young University Uni.. 더보기 Vocabulary load of the English language coursebook for grade 10 Vocabulary load of the English language coursebook for grade 10 http://www.belgeler.com/blg/1cew/vocabulary-load-of-the-english-language-coursebook-for-grade-10-lise-2-sinif-ingilizce-ders-kitabinda-yer-alan-sozcuklerin-kullanim-sikligi-bakimindan-incelenmesi This study covers vocabulary load analysis of An English Course For Turks Advanced 1, which is compulsorily used in all state high schools.. 더보기 LOW-LEVEL SECOND LANGUAGE (L2) LEARNERS’ CLASSROOM LOW-LEVEL SECOND LANGUAGE (L2) LEARNERS’ CLASSROOM VOCABULARY ACQUISITION: EFFECTS OF INTENSIVE REPETITION AND CLASSROOM CONTEXT 더보기 Text‐related variables in textbook readability Text‐related variables in textbook readability Research Papers in Education Volume 6, Issue 3, 1991 Text‐related variables in textbook readability DOI: 10.1080/0267152910060305 James Poon Teng Fatt pages 225-245 더보기 The Role Of Repetition In Learning http://www.vibrantelectroniccourse.com/Education/p12.htm Karl Note: Memorization and repetition have been, for many years, considered very poor learning techniques, yet the old truth and value with rote learning is now coming back with increased recognition that learning by repetition is NOT understanding, but just "duplication." It is an essential part of good study practice. There is no way to.. 더보기 English Textbook Writing http://writersweekly.com/this_weeks_article/006785_06152011.html Did you know that the number of people studying English worldwide is estimated at around one billion, and that this number is projected to grow considerably? What does this mean to you as a writer? The market for writers of educational materials is growing, too, and your writing can be a part of that growth. If you want lots of peo.. 더보기 이전 1 다음