Books 썸네일형 리스트형 Academic Vocabulary in Learner Writing: From Extraction to Analysis Academic Vocabulary in Learner Writing: From Extraction to Analysis 더보기 Polysemy and lexical priming Polysemy and lexical priming The case of drive Fanie Tsiamita Hoey’s theory of lexical priming makes three claims with respect to polysemy. According to one of them, two similarly common senses of a polysemous lexical item will avoid each others’ primings (cf. Hoey 2005: 82). The aim of this paper is to examine the extent to which this claim is valid with data on the polysemous noun drive. The s.. 더보기 Exploring the Lexis–Grammar Interface Exploring the Lexis–Grammar Interface Edited by Ute Römer and Rainer Schulze University of Michigan / Leibniz University of Hanover [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 35] 2009. vi, 321 pp. Publishing status: Available This volume showcases studies that recognize and provide evidence for the inseparability of lexis and grammar. The contributors explore in what ways these two areas, often treated sep.. 더보기 Modelling Variation in Spoken and Written English Using fresh data from the British National Corpus, this book criticizes and expands Biber's seminal study (1988) of variation in spoken and written English. The author assesses the validity, stability and meaningfulness of Biber's results, critically re-evaluating the statistical methodology. In the process, many issues of importance in corpus-based research are touched upon, including: research.. 더보기 Corpus Approaches to Evaluation: Phraseology and Evaluative Language Corpus Approaches to Evaluation: Phraseology and Evaluative Language Publisher Comments: This book applies a set of corpus investigation techniques to the study of evaluation, or stance, or affect, in naturally-occurring discourse. Evaluative language indicates opinions, attitudes, and judgments. It is an important part of activities such as persuading someone that a particular viewpoint is corr.. 더보기 Corpus-Based Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese Corpus-Based Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese By Tony McEnery, Richard Xiao Published 8th June 2010 by Routledge – 202 pages Description This book is concerned with cross-linguistic contrast of major grammatical categories in English and Chinese, two most important yet genetically different world languages. This genetic difference has resulted in many subsidiary differences that are, a.. 더보기 Semantic ProsodyA Critical Evaluation by Dominic Stewart Dominic Stewart is Associate Professor of English Language and Italian-English translation at the University of Macerata, Italy Semantic Prosody is the first full-length treatment of semantic prosody, a concept akin to connotation but which connects crucially with typical lexical environment. For example, it has been claimed that the adverb 'utterly' is characterised by an unf.. 더보기 Lexical Priming and Words and Phrases Lexical Priming proposes a radical new theory of the lexicon, which amounts to a completely new theory of language based on how words are used in the real world. Here they are not confined to the definitions given to them in dictionaries but instead interact with other words in common patterns of use. Using concrete statistical evidence from a corpus of newspaper English, but also referring to t.. 더보기 Books on "R" Introductory Statistics with R (Statistics and... by Peter Dalgaard 4.0 out of 5 stars (11) $48.07 Paperback: 380 pages Publisher: Springer; 2nd edition (August 15, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 0387790535 ISBN-13: 978-0387790534 Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 6 x 1.1 inches A Beginner's Guide to R (Use R!) by Alain F. Zuur 4.1 out of 5 stars (9) $42.62 Paperback: 236 pages Publisher: Springer; 1 .. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음