Books 썸네일형 리스트형 In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation Paperback: 352 pages Publisher: Routledge; 2 edition (28 Jan 2011) Language English ISBN-10: 0415467543 ISBN-13: 978-0415467544 Product Dimensions: 24.4 x 17.2 x 2.2 cm 1. Introduction 2. Equivalence at Word Level 3. Equivalence Above Word Level 4. Grammatical Equivalence 5. Textual Equivalence: Thematic and Information Structures 6. Textual Equivalenc.. 더보기 Introducing Corpora in Translation Studies Introducing Corpora in Translation Studies The use of corpora in translation studies, both as a tool for translators and as a way of analyzing the process of translation, is growing. This book provides a much-needed assessment of how the analysis of corpus data can make a contribution to the study of translation. Introducing Corpora in Translation Studies: traces the development of corpus method.. 더보기 Books on Translation Interpreting Justice Ethics, Politics and Language By Moira Inghilleri Series: Routledge Advances in Translation Studies In this timely study, Inghilleri examines the interface between ethics, language, and politics during acts of interpreting, with reference to two particular sites of transnational conflict: the political and judicial context of asylum adjudication and the geo-political context.. 더보기 The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies Paperback: 304 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (19 Dec 2008) Language English ISBN-10: 0415396417 ISBN-13: 978-0415396417 Product Dimensions: 22.9 x 15.5 x 2.3 cm Translation as Text Production. Translation as Intercultural Communication Translation, Ethics and Politics. Translation as a Profession. Issues in Audiovisual Translation Jeremy Mun.. 더보기 Exploring Translation Theories Exploring Translation Theories Paperback: 200 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (17 Sep 2009) Language English ISBN-10: 0415553636 ISBN-13: 978-0415553636 Product Dimensions: 23.1 x 15.5 x 1.3 cm Exploring Translation Theories presents a comprehensive analysis of the key traditional and contemporary paradigms of translation theory. Table of Contents: Book Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; L.. 더보기 Translation and Globalization Translation and Globalization Michael Cronin Paperback: 208 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (22 May 2003) Language English ISBN-10: 0415270650 ISBN-13: 978-0415270656 Product Dimensions: 23 x 15.6 x 2 cm Translation and Globalization is a critical exploration of the ways in which radical changes to the world economy have affected contemporary translation. The Internet, new technology, mach.. 더보기 Blended Learning 온라인 학습만으로도 오프라인 학습만으로도 우리 인간을 만족시키기는 어려운지라, 온, 오프의 두 가지 방식의 장점만을 모아 학습하고 교육시키는 것이 요즘 대세라 할 수 있다. 그렇다고 무작정 "온라인 + 오프라인" 식으로 더하기만 한다고 Blended Learning이 되는 것이 아니다. 그래서 더 어려워지는 것이다. 그냥 온라인만으로 영어교육을 시키는 것에 만족했던 것이 엊그제 아니 요즘도 그런 사람들이 많은데, 더 잘하기위해서 오프라인과 병행을 해야한다니... 바로 이런 고민을 해결해주는 책을 소개한다. 비록 영어권에서 나온 책이지만, 그래도 읽으면 공감가는 내용이 많다. The ideal companion for any teacher interested in the use of technology i.. 더보기 Translation and The Language of Information Technology. A Corpus-based Study of the Vocabulary of Information Technology in English and its Translation into Arabic and Swedish Translation and The Language of Information Technology. A Corpus-based Study of the Vocabulary of Information Technology in English and its Translation into Arabic and Swedish Abstract Type: Dissertation Year of Publication: 2004 Dissertation Type: Doctoral Dissertation Institution: UMIST, University of Manchester Languages: English Author(s): Izwaini, Sattar Advisor(s): Paul Bennett Categories:.. 더보기 Books on Corpus Linguistics Titles from John Benjamins Publishing Company Adjective Complementation: An empirical analysis of adjectives followed by that-clauses Ilka Mindt [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 42] 2011. vii, 238 pp. Animacy and Reference: A cognitive approach to corpus linguistics Mutsumi Yamamoto [Studies in Language Companion Series, 46] 1999. xviii, 278 pp. Aspect in Mandarin Chinese: A corpus-based study Ri.. 더보기 Corpus Presenter The current book together with the accompanying CD-ROM forms the Corpus Presenter suite which can be used to compile text corpora and to carry out retrieval tasks on any corpus or selection of text files, no matter what their source or how they are organised. The suite is designed to have a maximally open architecture and can be used straight away to examine any texts users may have access to. A.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음