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A Translators Reading List of Corpus-Related Works

A Translators Reading List of Corpus-Related Works

Adab, B. (2001). The Translation of Advertising: A Framework for Evaluation. Babel, 47(2), 133-157.

Al-Khafaji, R. (2006). In Search of Translational Norms: The Case of Shifts in Lexical Repetition in Arabic-English Translations. Babel, 52(1), 39-65.

Alvarez Lugris, A. (2001). Tectra: Theory and Practice of Research Using Corpora in the Framework of Translation Studies. TRANS. Revista de Traductologia, 5, 185-204.

Alvarez, M. A. (1998). Fidelity to the Original in Literary Translation: Micro- and Macro-Analysis of Translational Phenomena. TRANS. Revista de Traductologia, 2, 67-81.

Alves, F. (2003). Translation, Cognition and Contextualization: Triangulating the Process-Product Interface in the Performance of Novice Translators. Revista de Documentação de Estudos em Linguistica Teorica e Aplicada (D.E.L.T.A.), 19(special), 71-108.

Alves, F., & Magalhaes, C. (2004). Using Small Corpora to Tap and Map the Process-Product Interface in Translation. TradTerm, 10, 179-211.

Araujo, V. L. S. (2004). To Be or Not to Be Natural: Cliches of Emotion in Screen Translation. Meta, 49(1), 161-171.

Baker, M. (1995). Corpora in Translation Studies: An Overview and Some Suggestions for Future Research. Target, 7(2), 223-243.
(1998). Revisiting the Language of Translation: A Corpus-Based Approach. Meta, 43(4), 480-485.
(1999). The Role of Corpora in Investigating the Linguistic Behaviour of Professional Translators. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 4(2), 281-298.
(2004). A Corpus-Based View of Similarity and Difference in Translation. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 9(2), 167-193.
(2004). The Treatment of Variation in Corpus-Based Translation Studies. Gothenburg Studies in English, 89, 7-17.

Baroni, M., & Bernardini, S. (2006). A New Approach to the Study of Translationese: Machine-Learning the Difference between Original and Translated Text. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 21(3), 259-274.

Bernardini, S. (2003). Designing a Corpus for Translation and Language Teaching: The CEXI Experience. TESOL Quarterly, 37(3), 528-537.
(2005). Reviving Old Ideas: Parallel and Comparable Analysis in Translation Studies-With an Example from Translation Stylistics. Gothenburg Studies in English, 90, 5-27.

Bosseaux, C. (2004). Point of View in Translation: A Corpus-Based Study of French Translations of Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse. Across Languages and Cultures, 5(1), 107-122.

Bowker, L. (1998). Corpus Exploitation Focused Terminological Research. Terminologies Nouvelles, 18(June), 22-27.
(1998). Using Specialized Monolingual Native-Language Corpora as a Translation Resource: A Pilot Study. Meta, 43(4),631-651.
(1999). Exploring the Potential of Corpora for Raising Language Awareness in Student Translators. Language Awareness, 8(3-4), 160-173.
(2000). A Corpus-Based Approach to Evaluating Student Translations. Translator, 6(2), 183-210.
(2000). Towards a Methodology for Exploiting Specialized Target Language Corpora as Translation Resources. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 5(1), 17-52.
(2001). Terminology and Gender Sensitivity: A Corpus-Based Study of the LSP of Infertility. Language in Society, 30(4), 589-610.
(2001). Towards a Methodology for a Corpus-Based Approach to Translation Evaluation. Meta, 46(2), 345-364.
(2002). An Empirical Investigation of the Terminology Profession in Canada in the 21st Century. Terminology, 8(2), 283-308.
(2004). Corpus Resources for Translators: Academic Luxury or Professional Necessity? TradTerm, 10, 213-247.
Bowker, L., & Hawkins, S. (2006). Variation in the Organization of Medical Terms: Exploring Some Motivations for Term Choice. Terminology, 12(1), 79-110.

Brownlie, S. (2002). The Translation of Philosophical Terminology. Meta, 47(3), 295-310.
(2006). Narrative Theory and Retranslation Theory. Across Languages and Cultures, 7(2), 145-170.

Calzada Perez, M. (2001). A Three-Level Methodology for Descriptive-Explanatory Translation Studies. Target, 13(2), 203-239.

Cao, D. (2006). Research on Chinese-Japanese Parallel Corpus and Translation Study. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 38(3),221-226.

Colominas, C. (2004). The Use of New Technologies for Translation Instruction with Special Attention to Translational Corpora [The Possibilities Afforded by the BancTrad]. Lebende Sprachen, 49(2), 64-67.

Corpas Pastor, G. (2001). The Compilation of an ad hoc Corpus for Instruction in Specialized Translation into a Nonnative Language. TRANS. Revista de Traductologia, 5, 155-184.

Cosme, C. (2006). Clause Combining across Languages: A Corpus-Based Study of English-French Translation Shifts. Languages in Contrast, 6(1), 71-108.

Friedbichler, I., & Friedbichler, M. (1997). Corpus-Supported Translation beyond the Word Boundaries. On the Significance of Electronic Text Corpora and Concordance Programs for Translation. Lebende Sprachen, 42(2), 49-53.

Gonzalez Liano, I. (2001). Translation and Genre: The Feminism of Rosalia de Castro in English Translation. Viceversa, 7-8, 109-130.

Halverson, S. (1998). Translation Studies and Representative Corpora: Establishing Links between Translation Corpora, Theoretical/Descriptive Categories and a Conception of the Object of Study. Meta, 43(4), 494-514.

Kohn, J. (1999). The Computer-Assisted Study of Parallel Texts in Translation Education. Lebende Sprachen, 44(1), 6-14.

Kruger, A. (2004). Shakespeare in Afrikaans: A Corpus-Based Study of Involvement in Different Registers of Drama Translation. Language Matters, 35(1), 275-294.

Laviosa, S. (1997). How Comparable Can 'Comparable Corpora' Be? Target, 9(2), 289-319.
(1998). Core Patterns of Lexical Use in a Comparable Corpus of English Narrative Prose. Meta, 43(4), 557-570.
(1998). The Corpus-Based Approach: A New Paradigm in Translation Studies. Meta, 43(4), 474-479.
(2004). Corpus-Based Translation Studies: Where Does It Come From? Where Is It Going? TradTerm, 10, 29-57.
(2004). Corpus-Based Translation Studies: Where Does It Come From? Where Is It Going? Language Matters, 35(1), 6-27.
(2004). When Italians Talk 'Business' They Mean It. TradTerm, 10, 279-293.

Lopez Arroyo, B., Fernandez Antolin, M. J., & de Felipe Boto, R. (2007). Contrasting the rhetoric of abstracts in medical discourse: Implications and applications for English/Spanish translation. Languages in Contrast, 7(1), 1-28.

Lores Sanz, R. (2003). The Translation of Tourist Literature: The Case of Connectors. Multilingua, 22(3), 291-308.

Machniewski, M. (2004). Contrastive Functional Analysis as a Starting Point for Corpus-Based Translation Studies (CTS): Methodological Considerations for Analysing Small Translational Corpora. Language Matters, 35(1), 102-118.

Mauranen, A. (2004). Contrasting Languages and Varieties with Translational Corpora. Languages in Contrast, 5(1), 73-92.

Monacelli, C. (2006). Implications of Translational Shifts in Interpreter-Mediated Texts. Pragmatics, 16(4), 457-473.

Montero-Martinez, S., & Garcia de Quesada, M. (2003). Terminological Analysis for Translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 11(4), 293-314.

Munday, J. (1998). A Computer-Assisted Approach to the Analysis of Translation Shifts. Meta, 43(4), 542-556.
(2002). Translation Studies and Corpus Linguistics: An Interface for Interdisciplinary Co-Operation. Logos and Language: Journal of General Linguistics and Language Theory, 3(1), 11-20.

Olohan, M. (2002). Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies: Interaction and Reaction. Linguistica Antverpiensia, 1, 419-429.

Ramon Garcia, N. (2002). Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies Interconnected: The Corpus-Based Approach. Linguistica Antverpiensia, 1, 393-406.

Saridakis, I. E., & Kostopoulou, G. (2007). Modern Trends in the Pedagogy of Specialised Translation: LSP, Text Typology and the Use of IT Tools. Linguistic Insights - Studies in Language and Communication, 47, 573-584.

Serban, A. (2004). Presuppositions in Literary Translation: A Corpus-Based Approach. Meta, 49(2), 327-342.

Sinclair, J., Payne, J., & Perez Hernandez, C. (1996). Corpus to Corpus: A Study of Translation Equivalence. International Journal of Lexicography, 9(3), 171-178.

Tsuji, K. (2002). Automatic Extraction of Translational Japanese-KATAKANA and English Word Pairs from Bilingual Corpora. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, 15(3), 261-279.

Utka, A. (2004). Phases of Translation Corpus: Compilation and Analysis. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 9(2), 195-224.

Vintar, S. (2001). Using Parallel Corpora for Translation-Oriented Term Extraction. Babel, 47(2), 121-132.

Waddington, C. (2006). Measuring the Effect of Errors on Translation Quality. Lebende Sprachen, 51(2), 67-71.

Wang, J.-H., Teng, J.-W., Lu, W.-H., & Chien, L.-F. (2006). Exploiting the Web as the Multilingual Corpus for Unknown Query Translation. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(5), 660-670.

Wu, A., & Huang, L. (2006). On Corpus-Based Studies of Translation Universals. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 38(5),296-302.

Zanettin, Federico (2002) "DIY Corpora: The WWW and the Translator In Maia, Belinda / Haller, Jonathan / Urlrych, Margherita (eds.) Training the Language Services Provider for the New Millennium, Porto: Facultade de Letras, Universidade do Porto, 239-248.

(2002) "Corpora for translation practice". In Elia Yuste-Rodrigo (ed.) Language Resources for Translation Work and Research, LREC 2002 Workshop Proceedings, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 10-14.

(2002) "CEXI. Designing an English Italian Translational Corpus". In Ketteman, Bernhard / Marko, Georg (eds.) Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 329-343.


International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (1996-)

(Published twice per year by John Benjamins. Papers on corpora for linguistics and human language technology.

Corpora http://www.eupjournals.com/journal/cor

(A new journal of corpus linguistics focusing on the many and varied uses of corpora both in linguistics and beyond. The journal accepts articles presenting research findings based on the exploitation of corpora as well as accounts of corpus building, corpus tool construction and corpus annotation schemes.)

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